Lenise Bent is a Producer, Engineer, Foley mixer/editor, foreign dubbing supervisor, archivist, audio repair and preservationist, consultant, and educator. She is an internationally recognized innovator in audio recording techniques and the first woman to record a platinum certified album.
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“Fascinated with the process.”
— Lenise Bent

I’m comfortable with analog or digital, which is something I can bring to a session that a lot of people can’t these days. I love the sound quality of analog, but digital is wonderful too because you can go back and fix things more easily. Whether I’m recording analog or digitally, my job is to inspire and capture as a producer and also interpret as an engineer.

“Fascinated with the process.”
— Lenise Bent

I’m comfortable with analog or digital, which is something I can bring to a session that a lot of people can’t these days. I love the sound quality of analog, but digital is wonderful too because you can go back and fix things more easily. Whether I’m recording analog or digitally, my job is to inspire and capture as a producer and also interpret as an engineer.

“My passion for music and recording is more of a way of life than work.
I enjoy anything to do with music and the history of audio recording.”
— Lenise Bent

“My passion for music and recording is more of a way of life than work.
I enjoy anything to do with music and the history of audio recording.”
— Lenise Bent

“My advice is to learn what good audio sounds like. Understand what things sound like and what dynamics are. Learn why you use that plug-in you’re using—don’t just settle for the preset. Find out why you like it, and why you want to use it. Have integrity when it comes to sound quality. Watching a few YouTube videos doesn’t make you an engineer any more than taking an art class makes you Picasso. ”
— Lenise Bent

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